
"...remember the words of the Lord Jesus: 

'It is more blessed to give than to receive,' " —Acts 20:35

Your gift to Indy Vineyard Church helps us support our 7 missions partners, provide for our Indy Vineyard Missional Food Pantry, and pay for the day-to-day operations of our ministries, staff, and building. We take the stewardship of those resources very seriously and we thank you for trusting us.

Several years ago, LuAnne and I felt led to do more to honor the Lord. As we looked closely at our finances we found we weren't fully honoring Him there. We were “giving” and had always intended to tithe, but just weren’t completely committed. We decided right then and there that we would tithe to the Lord first out of every paycheck.  It wasn’t easy getting started, but our actions of honoring Him and being obedient to His word (Malachi 3:10-12) has definitely been a joy and a blessing.


— Jon and LuAnne

Ways to Give

  • Online giving is easy, secure, and tax deductible when you use BreezeWhether it's a one-time or recurring gift, we are thankful for your generosity!

  • Stock Donation

    If you want to donate stocks, you can do so through an account with Stock Donator.

    Donate Stock To Indy Vineyard Church

  • Mail

    If you prefer, you can send in checks or money orders made out to Indy Vineyard Church, or use a cash envelope provided outside the main sanctuary doors.

    Indy Vineyard Church, 8383 Craig St., Ste. 130, Indianapolis, IN 46250