Welcome to Everyone Gets to Pray
We are thrilled to have you
with us as we encounter the love and the power of God together, so we can give
it away to the world.
- We have laid out a Prayer Walk through the building available during the whole conference. Pick up a booklet when you arrive to guide you through the stations.
- Sign up for Prophetic Rooms at the Conference Registration Table in the lobby.
- Prophetic Room appointments will occur from 12-1 Saturday in the Coffee Lobby/Office area. Be sure to sign-up Friday night or Saturday morning.
FRIDAY 9/29/23
Make sure to sign up tonight for Prophetic Rooms which will be during lunch
6:00 pm Doors Open / Arrivals / Registration
Sign-up for Prophetic Room
Prayer Walk Open in the Building
7:00 pm Worship | Nancy Hendrickson
7:30 am Welcome and Prophetic Encouragement | Jacqueline Furness & Kim Chambers
8:20 pm Talk 1: Union and Communion | Randy Gooder
8:45 pm Ministry Time
SATURDAY 9/30/23
8:00-8:45 In His Presence | John Rigstad with Lyn Power
8:00 am Coffee & Snacks
Sign-up for Prophetic Room
9:30 am Welcome and Announcements
Worship | Kara Jones
9:45 am Talk 2: Walking in Freedom | Jacqueline Furness
10:45 am BREAK
11:00 am Talk 3: A Life of 'Hippie' Prayer | Ian Wray
12:00 pm Lunch Break — on your own (see Tom at welcome desk if new to the area)
Prophetic Rooms (Sign Up Friday Night or Sat AM) | Katherine Donnelly
BREAKOUT SESSIONS (see Session Info for more details)
1:30 pm Breakout Sessions 1
2:15 pm Breakout Sessions 2
3:00 pm Transition to sanctuary for Talk4
3:15 pm Talk 4: Intercession: From Doing It to Being It | Rusty Geverdt
4:15 pm Commissioning of Churches & Final Words
5:00 pm Dinner Break — on your own (see Tom at welcome desk if new to the area)
6:30 pm Worship Based Prayer
7:30 pm Conference Ends
Union and Communion
Friday 8:20pm
The Up and Down of Devotional Prayer — The God of the universe invites us into intimate relationship. But, how do we live in and from that relationship? What is it that God wants to do in our lives when we commune with Him? What does He want from us? How do we grow in this relationship during every season of our lives? God has given us all we need, unlimited access. But, we must still press in. What does that look like for you now?
Randy and his wife Jane joined the Indy Vineyard staff in 2001 where he currently serves as Teaching and Prayer Pastor. Randy received his Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Formation from Northern Seminary. In addition to his pastoral role, he is a trained Spiritual Director and an Adjunct Professor at Anderson University. Randy and Jane live in Fishers, IN and have 3 married children and 3 grandchildren.
RANDY GOODER | randy_g@indyvineyard.org
Walking in Freedom from the Enemy
Saturday 11:00am
Learn how to walk with understanding and power against the enemy. Jacqueline’s heart is for you to not partner or tolerate the presence of the demonic forces.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
—Ephesians 6:12 NIV
For 35 years it has been Jacqueline's pleasure to be connected to the Vineyard Movement. Through classes and experiences, she has had the privilege to shift, cast, and displace the spiritual forces in the second heaven. Jacqueline is president of an inner healing and spiritual direction ministry called Finding Oasis and the Regional Facilitator for Bethel Sozo. She helps churches and ministries start Sozo teams and train people on what it means to connect deeply with God’s head, yourself and others. She is the proud mom of 4 and grandmother of 3 and honored to be married to Tom. Recently they have been learning what retirement looks like for them in this new season of their lives.
JACQUELINE FURNESS | findingoasis79@gmail.com
A Life of "Hippie" Prayers
Saturday 11:00am
This session will be all about living a life of missional prayer. Is it possible to truly pray without ceasing while I’m at work, at a coffee shop, out having dinner with my friends, or even at home with my kids? We will explore how prayer can get you into conversations that your personality perhaps cannot. We’ll dive into Scripture, pull from real-life experience, and ultimately walk away with practical tools and rhythms that we can implement in our lives to live a life of prayer everywhere we go.
Ian was born and raised in Indiana where he graduated from both high school and college. He had the privilege of traveling around the world as a missionary following his undergrad degree. He was on staff at Indy Vineyard Church for 4 years where he met his now wife of 2 years, Rachael. They currently reside in Nashville, TN where he is currently completing a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies.
IAN WRAY | ianwray212@gmail.com
Intercession: From Doing It to Being It
Saturday 3:15pm
Jesus is the great intercessor. When he walked on the earth, he demonstrated a life of engagement with God, that was authentic and powerful. His life provoked a response from those around him. His disciples identified his strength, and asked to be taught how to pray as he did, but what Jesus demonstrated was how to become prayer. This session will attempt to inspire “standing in the gap” type of prayer for everyday life.
A Cincinnati native, father of four, husband to Jen, director of Kingdom Prayer Initiatives, pastor at large and elder at Northstar Church in Cincinnati, a prayer missionary, spiritual director, mentor of many, friend to all, a seer to some, leader, teacher, equipper of men, trained in the fathers’ business, translating truth into life-changing story.
RUSTY GEVERDT | rgeverdt@gmail.com
Prophetic Encouragement
Kim Chambers
Friday Evening
Kim Chambers is a profound speaker, teacher, apostle, and prophet. Her vision for Higher Ground has always been to make this life-giving content available to all who are thirsty. She loves to encourage and activate students to dive deeper and really walk the walk that is a powerful life of love in Christ.
KIM CHAMBERS | kimmieleag@aol.com | highergroundschool.org
Breakout Sessions 1 is from 1:30-2:10 pm
Breakout Sessions 2 is from 2:15-3:00pm
The following three sessions will be held 2 times to give you the opportunity to experience more than one session.
Devotional Tools
This workshop will focus on practical postures and tools to build a deep devotional life / personal history with God. Whether you are a mature Jesus follower or just beginning your journey, you will receive encouragement and action items to walk forward with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
RANDY GOODER | randy_g@indyvineyard.org
Building a Personal Intercessor Team for Your Ministry
DELANA BRADBURY | PrayerMinistry@indyvineyard.org
Conversations with God
Most of us pray regularly, and our prayers may include praise and requests. We know that God is powerful, and that He loves giving good gifts to us. But have you considered the possibility of an interactive conversation with God? This session will answer questions about this type of prayer and could initiate your journey into a deeper friendship with God.
STEVE SARGENT | aa81140@gmail.com
In His Presence
Saturday Morning 7:30-8:45 am
In His Presence is a time of personal and corporate worship to prepare our hearts before the Lord. Our purpose is to lift up the Name of Jesus, to offer Him our thanksgiving, praise and worship, to listen and respond to His Spirit, to raise up common prayers, to provide a place for freedom of expression and any other ways that the Lord may lead. This is an open time of participatory worship. Everyone is welcome.
JOHN RIGSTAD | jfrigstad@gmail.com
Prophetic Rooms
Saturday Noon-1:30 pm
Sign-ups begin Friday night in the Welcome Lobby.
Come and receive encouragement with one of our prophetic teams. Holy Spirit wants to ignite hope, purpose, and identity through the gift of prophecy.
Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled time in the Coffee Lobby to check-in for Prophetic Rooms.
KATHERINE DONNELLY | lionsden0917@gmail.com
Friday 7:00 pm
Saturday 9:00am
NANCY HENDRICKSON | nancyjhend@gmail.com
KARA JONES | kara_j@indyvineyard.org
Prayer Walk | Full Circle
IVAC | Indy Vineyard Arts Community
The prayer walk will be open throughout the conference.
The Indy Vineyard Arts Community presents Full Circle, a prayer walk and art gallery that invites participants to remember the faithfulness of God and to look forward in His hope. Prayer prompts inspired by artwork from Indy Vineyard’s history will guide participants through stations of contemplation and prayer. “Full circle” refers to circling back to what God has already done, as well as to the eternal nature of God, and to the literal ring-shaped art pieces that begin this walk.
The prayer walk opens Friday, September 29, for the Everyone Gets to Pray (EG2P) prayer conference, and is scheduled to remain through November as the autumn gallery. Start in the Coffee Lobby, get your guide booklet, and pray through the whole walk!
IVAC | Indy Vineyard Arts Community
The Indy Vineyard Arts Community (IVAC), a ministry of Indy Vineyard Church, is an intentional community of Christ-following artists, writers, actors, musicians, and creatives of all types. Come for connection, encouragement, inspiration, and hands-on creativity.
RAE BOTSFORD-END | arts@indyvineyard.org
Worship Based Prayer Set
Saturday Evening 6:30-7:30 pm
Worship-based prayer is simply singing our prayers to God in a Biblically based format. We will be praying into some of the prophetic words spoken at the conference. Come join in!
Talk 1: Union and Communion
Devotional Tools
RANDY GOODER | randy_g@indyvineyard.org
Teaching & Prayer Pastor
Indy Vineyard Church, Indianapolis, IN
Talk 2: Walking in Freedom from the Enemy
JACQUELINE FURNESS | findingoasis79@gmail.com
Regional Facilitator for Bethel Sozo and president of Finding Oasis: an inner healing ministry
Indy Vineyard Church, Indianapolis, IN
Talk 3: A Life of 'Hippie' Prayer
IAN WRAY | | ianwray212@gmail.com
Pastor and Grad Student
Talk 4: Intercession: From Doing It to Being It
RUSTY GEVERDT | rgeverdt@gmail.com
Elder and Prayer Pastor
Northstar Community Church, Cincinnati, OH
Prophetic Encouragement
KIM CHAMBERS | kimmieleag@aol.com
Higher Ground School of Ministry, Martinsville, IN
Building a Personal Intercessor Team for Your Ministry
DELANA BRADBURY | PrayerMinistry@indyvineyard.org
Prayer Ministry Team Leader and Small Groups Ministry Leader
Indy Vineyard Church, Indianapolis, IN
Conversations with God
STEVE SARGENT | aa81140@gmail.com
Indy Vineyard Church, Indianapolis, IN
In His Presence
JOHN RIGSTAD | jfrigstad@gmail.com
Indy Vineyard Church, Indianapolis, IN
Conversations with God
BECKY WINNIE | bwinnie1972@gmail.com
Indy Vineyard Church, Indianapolis, IN
Prophetic Rooms
KATHERINE DONNELLY | lionsden0917@gmail.com
Indy Vineyard Church, Indianapolis,
Worship | Friday Night
NANCY HENDRICKSON | nancyjhend@gmail.com
Worship Team, Indy Vineyard Church, Indianapolis, IN
Worship | Saturday Morning
KARA JONES | kara_j@indyvineyard.org
Worship Pastor, Indy Vineyard Church, Indianapolis, IN
IVAC | Indy Vineyard Arts Community
RAE BOTSFORD-END | arts@indyvineyard.org
Personal Prayer Art Ministry Training
with New Renaissance Arts Movement
Saturday, November 4th, 2023 | 10am-3:30pm | Indy Vineyard Church
Get trained in the powerful ministry of Personal Prayer Art
$60 Includes Training Manual and Lunch
For more info and to REGISTER, visit thenewr.org/PPA