We are a praying church who seeks to
encounter the love and power of God and give it away.
Indy Vineyard Prayer
We are a praying church who seeks to
encounter the love and power of God and give it away.
We believe that prayer is the atmosphere of the church. We can’t breathe without it. We hope that you are able to find a place to step into a prayer ministry that fits you and you receive pray as part of your journey into wholeness.
Personal Prayer
Pray and support for people in need.
In His Presence
In His Presence is a time of personal and corporate worship to prepare our hearts before the Lord. Our purpose is to lift up the Name of Jesus, to offer Him our thanksgiving, praise and worship, to listen and respond to His Spirit, to raise up common prayers, to provide a place for freedom of expression and any other ways that the Lord may lead. This is an open time of participatory worship. Everyone is welcome.
Date and Time: Every Sunday | 9-10:15am
Contact: John Rigstad.
Sunday's Prayer Ministry
After Sunday service we offer personal prayer for those who need healing from emotional, relational or physical needs, or who just want a word of encouragement or blessing.
Date and Time: Every Sunday at the end of service | 11:50am
Contact: David and Delana Bradbury
Come to be set free by experiencing God’s Freedom for you. Various prayer rooms, meet in the coffee lobby as well as other days and times.
Date and Time: By appointment
Contact: Sarah Robinson and Becky Winnie
Email: sozo@indyvineyard.org
Healing Room
If you or someone you know is in need of healing, come and encounter God in a loving and safe environment. People are receiving hope and healing in the presence of a good, loving and powerful Father.
Date and Time: Every 3rd Saturday | 10am-Noon | Youth Room
Contact: Margot and Joe Swartz
Email: healingroom@indyvineyard.org
David's Army
Teams of 5-6 people cover one week a month to intercede for the needs of the church, the staff, their own team, our city and our region. Each person has a day of the week to pray, therefore, prayer covers an entire month. Communication is done through email and the teams meet once a month.
Dates and Time: Days vary
Contact: Tami Crabtree | 317.813.3835
Email: tamiscrabtree@gmail.com
Sunday AM Intercession for Service
Gathers 10am-10:25am, in the Hallway Prayer Room, before service to intercede for the heart of God to be made manifest in all aspects of Sunday Service. The heartbeat of this prayer team is revival in each heart and the church.
Dates and Time:
Contact: Tami Crabtree | 317.813.3835
Anointing Prayer
We believe we are better together. Are you at a crossroads? Are you looking for insight? Do you need discernment?
Facilitated by a trained prayer leader, Anointing Prayer is a chance for you to gather a group of your friends to pray for you, and hear from the Father on your behalf.
Dates and Time: By Appointment
Contact: Jane Fokken | 317.501.4727 TEXT preferred
Urgent Prayer
We want to pray for the urgent prayers of our Vineyard family. Send an contact to Dale with your prayer request and his team will pray for you.
Dates and Time: By Appointment
Contact: Dale Crabtree | 317.254.6431
Email: prayer@indyvineyard.org
More Opportunities
Interested in praying for our other ministries?
Click the links to learn more about each one.
Intercession (David’s Army)
This warrior stance of prayer allows for protection, revelation and powerful alignment with what the father is doing. This is a group of prayer warriors who intercede for the needs of the church in weekly teams of at least 6, communicating through email and meeting once a month.
Dave Beechler — Praying for needs of the church and Celebrate Recovery
Tami Crabtree — Praying for needs of the church
Elizabeth Harriman — Praying for needs of the church
Linda Picard — Praying for the missions of the church
Carrie Kasel — Praying for the needs of the church, children and Children’s Ministry
Shawn Israel — Praying for needs of the church and Indy Vineyard Missional Food Pantry (IVMFP)
— Praying for needs of the church and vision of the church
— Staff praying for needs of the church
For more info or to join a David's Army team, contact Tami & Dale Crabtree.
Click here to learn more: David’s Army Intercessory Prayer Teams — Purpose, Structure and Process
We'd love to hear your testimonials
If you've been impacted during any of our prayer sessions, reach out to and let us know so we can celebrate with you!
Email: PrayerMinistry@indyvineyard.org.