Our Ministry Team is made up of lovers of Jesus who are kind, compassionate, strong, and maturing in the Lord.
We don’t try to fix anyone or anything, we stand with people in their times of need (emotional, physical or relational) and intercede to the Father on their behalf, offering the love of Jesus in a tangible way.
Availability: Sundays after Service - Sundays are not assigned, but if you are present, you are normally expected to be available.
Ministry Team Training is required. This entails a 4 session class covering the biblical and practical aspects for prayer and the Vineyard 5 Step Prayer Model.
We ask team members to follow the 3 P's of Vineyard Prayer Ministry: Pray up! - prepare your heart to hear from the Lord for someone else; Pair up! - Ministry Team Members pray in pairs; Pop up! - we do not schedule our Team Members, but we do like to see our Team "pop up" when we are called for at the end of a service. That means you can pray as many weeks as you'd like.