As a church, we are taking Lent 2022 (March 2 to April 17) to focus on prayer. Our sermon series is called PRAY. Our messages during this time will be from Paul’s Prayer for believers in Ephesus from Ephesians 1.15-23. Our Prayer Room (24/7) will be open from March 6th at noon through April 15 (Good Friday) at 7PM. We will close the room with a Good Friday service at 7 that evening. Sign up for YOUR time in the Prayer Room on the calendar in the lobby at church. All of our small groups will be discussing the Sunday messages. We are asking every person connected to the Vineyard to use our devotional (available in print, digital and podcast form) to help you connect with God around this prayer that HE wants to answer in and through our lives. Join us as we learn to PRAY!
Our PRAY devotional is also available by podcast if that suits your lifestyle. There are 5 devotionals available each week during our PRAY series, read by our own Vineyard writers. Make a new habit this Lent. Listen and respond to God with this easily accessible devotional podcast.
P.R.A.Y. Devotional
Our PRAY devotional is available at church in print form or here on our website in digital form. Commit yourself this Lent to a daily time with God in prayer (being still in his presence, worshipping him, reflecting on his Word, talking to him in prayer and yielding to his will. The devotional has space for you to journal as you commune with him. God bless you in His presence!